Scone CBD Revitalisation

  • Project typeRoadwork and Construction
  • Project valueGreater than $10,000,000.00
  • Project scheduleStage 1 commencing in March 2023 - Stage 2 commencing in September 2024
  • Contractor nameDaracon Contractors Pty Ltd

The Scone CBD Revitalisation project is expected to have a transformative effect on the region, providing a significant economic boost and creating exciting new opportunities for local businesses. The project will amplify a range of hospitality, retail, and commercial opportunities, attracting new visitors to the area, making Scone a hub for economic growth and development.

The Scone CBD Revitalisation project is based on the Town Centre Masterplan for Scone(PDF, 21MB) , which has been in development since June 2016. With the completion of the New England Highway bypass in March 2020, the focus is now on revitalising the Scone CBD.

Improved infrastructure and amenities, including road works, stormwater improvements, footway landscaping, and the replacement of potable water mains, will provide a safer and more vibrant environment for all, further enhancing the area's appeal to visitors and locals alike.

As the cornerstone of the region's economic development strategy, the Scone CBD Revitalisation project will create a dynamic and prosperous future for Scone, its businesses and the wider community.

 Milestone Description   Estimated completion date*
1 St Aubins Town Square September 2023
2 Block 2 Liverpool to St Aubins - West December 2023
3 Block 1 Kingdon to Liverpool – West February 2024
4 Block 2 Liverpool to St Aubins - East July 2024 

Block 1 Kingdon to Liverpool - East

September 2024

*Completion dates are a guide only and may change. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long will the revitalisation project take?

    Response: The revitalisation project has been carefully planned to ensure that it's completed efficiently and effectively. We anticipate Stage 1 (Kingdon to St Aubins Street) of the project will be completed in June 2024 subject to certain factors such as weather conditions that may cause slight variations to the schedule. Our priority is quality and minimal disruption.

  2. How will this project affect my business?

    Response: While there may be temporary disruptions due to the construction process, the ultimate goal of the project is to revitalise the Scone CBD, making it a more attractive and accessible place for residents and visitors. This, in turn, should attract more footfall and create new business opportunities in the long run.

  3. Will there be parking disruptions?

    Response: We are working hard to ensure that there's ample parking available throughout the project. We have taken steps to increase parking availability and will continue to manage this as best as possible to minimize any inconvenience. There is also plenty of off-street and other street parking available within walking distance to businesses.

  4. Will pedestrian access to businesses be maintained?

    Response: Absolutely! One of our key priorities is to ensure that businesses remain accessible to pedestrians throughout the project. We have carefully planned the construction phases to ensure that pedestrian access is maintained at all times.

  5. Why can't compensation be paid for potential business disruptions?

    Response: As part of our commitment to enhancing the Scone CBD, we've undertaken this project with long-term community benefits in mind. We understand that change can sometimes cause concern, and there may be some short-term disruptions during the construction phase. We're unable to provide compensation for disruptions related to the project because it's a planned public works targeted at CBD revitalisation and intended to boost the local economy over time.

  6. Why are multiple blocks being worked on at the same time?

    Response: To ensure the project is completed in an efficient and timely manner, it's necessary to conduct works on multiple blocks simultaneously. This approach allows us to streamline the construction process and reduce the overall duration of the project, which in turn minimises the duration of disruption to residents and businesses.

  7. Why isn’t the contractor working at night, working faster, working with more staff?

    Response: The contractor developed a detailed program during the tender process, determining the most efficient manner to undertake the works. To date, they have maintained the forecasted timeline. The contractor is incentivised under the contract to complete the works as soon as possible. They are constantly looking for opportunities to shorten the program by working more efficiently, using additional resources or optimising staging. There are some key constraints that dictate the staged approach being undertaken. These include maintaining the functionality of existing services during the upgrade (e.g. stormwater, water, communications and power), managing traffic and pedestrian flow and ensuring the works are completed to the required quality standard. Working at night is not permissible under the project approvals unless necessary and by way of exception. Working at night is also problematic as suppliers are not available (concrete etc.) and it is generally less productive, less safe for their workers, causes nuisance to nearby residents and proves to be costlier exercise.

  8. What about the Stage 2 Works?

    Response: Stage 2 involves revitalisation Kelly Street between St Aubins and Susan Street. Works also involve Liverpool Street Drainage. Council is preparing documentation to go out to Tender for these works. Until Tenders are received, assessed and awarded we are unable to provide a timeline on when these works are likely to commence. Timeline also is dependent on who wins contract.

  9. Where will Traffic be detoured for Stage 2?

    Response: At this point in time we are unable to provide details on traffic detours for stage 2. The contractor will put forward proposed detour for approval before submitting to TfNSW as part of their ROL (road occupancy licence). Any detours of traffic changes will be communicated via various platforms to the community.

  10. How do we apply for outdoor dining approval post construction?

    Response: Roads Act S125 Approval. When planning to undertake works that require the use of Council roads, footpaths and any part of the road reserve, you must obtain approval under s125 of the Roads Act prior to undertaking works. This includes using a road or road reserve for activities such as road works, driveway works, sign placements, tree clearing, trenching, displaying goods on the footpath etc. All applications are to be submitted through the NSW Planning Portal and will require each business to have public liability insurance however any application fees will be waived for the first 12 months from each application being received.

    More info:



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