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Please report fallen trees or debris on roads to Council 02 6540 1100. Please report fallen trees on property to NSW SES on 132 500.
Find out more about Development Applications.
Steps to submit a development application.
Review the plans and strategies guiding local development and conservation.
Information on swimming pools compliance, on-site sewage management systems, heritage guidelines and fences and boundaries.
Flood studies and maps of the Upper Hunter Shire.
This page publishes the Register of Planning Decisions made at Council or Committee meetings.
Development & Building control policies.
These tools are designed to improve access to planning information and assist in planning and development decisions.
Council's Environmental Department has many functions, one of which is to ensure the Shire is kept in a safe and healthy environment.
Council's online mapping platform (IntraMaps) allows you to search any property address and link to other mapping sites and data providers.
Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 contains a list of activities that require approval from Council.
In accordance with Local Government Act 1993, all operations of on-site sewage management require a licence/approval to conduct such an activity. This licence/approval is obtained through Council.
A copy of Upper Hunter Shire Council's Development Contribution plans can be downloaded below.