How to Enrol


Our Service welcomes enquiries at any time in regard to what Family Day Care can offer you, and the availability of our Educators. Sometimes we have a waiting list for some or all of our Educators, so contact us to make sure we know you need care and can be placed on the list, if necessary. Ring us on 02 6540 1151 in normal office hours.

Once we have found a Family Day Care Educator for you, or you have contacted one who can offer care, the general process will be:

You will need to complete an online enrolment form. (The link will be provided through the Co-ordination Unit) This will include providing a copy of

  • your child’s current AIR Immunisation History Statement showing your child’s vaccinations are ‘up to date’ (including if your child has an approved medical contraindication or natural immunity to one or more vaccines)
  • A copy of your child’s Birth Certificate (or Passport)

A copy of the following documents (if applicable):

  • A current Court Order / Parenting Order / Parenting Plan
  • A current Medical Management Plan - if your child has a medical condition and/or allergy eg: asthma, please provide a copy of your child’s Medical Management Plan from your GP or Specialist (dated within last 6 months). A staff member will be in contact with you to complete a Health Care Risk Management Plan prior to the commencement of care.
  • Email addresses must be provided for each authorised person to receive a PIN for electronic signature. (Signing Children in an out of care)

Complete an online Child Care Subsidy Claim via your Centrelink myGov account. A successful application may reduce the cost of your childcare. We can then provide a more accurate estimate of costs for your situation.

Your Educator will confirm the day(s) and hours you are booking for care, and will discuss all relevant fees and charges. You will also be asked to sign a contract for care – Complying Written Arrangement (CWA), which will be linked to your child’s CCS enrolment. We are changing our payment system due to Government requirements, from 2nd December 2024 so that your fees will then be paid to Upper Hunter Family Day Care by direct debit on a weekly basis.

Please contact the Co-ordination Unit if you need assistance or direction to enrol your child on 02 6540 1151.