Your annual rates notice includes various additional charges for services linked to your property. These charges contribute to infrastructure maintenance and service provision.
Hunter Catchment Contribution
Council collects a Hunter Catchment Contribution on behalf of Local Land Services. This amount, based on a fraction of your land's value, goes toward funding catchment projects. The 2022/2023 contribution is set at $0.00977 per dollar of land value. The revenue helps the Catchment Authority fulfil its obligations under the Water Management Act 2000.
Water Access Charge
Your annual water charge is determined by the size of the water meter on your property. For most residential properties, the meter size is typically 20mm. An alternative lower fee applies for unconnected services on land that is within 225 metres of a connectable water main.
Sewerage Fees
An annual sewerage fee is charged for sewer system maintenance and improvements. A lower fee applies for unconnected services on land within 75 metres of a connectable sewer main. A lower flat fee is charged to unconnected services on land within 75 metres of a sewer main which is capable of being connected.
Waste Management
Your annual waste management charges cover the costs of waste facilities, kerbside bin collections, and bulky waste collection services where available. The fee encompasses costs for waste pick-up, recycling, and annual bulky clean-ups.
Additional Waste Services
If you're availing additional waste services, a separate line item for this will appear on your annual rates notice.
Stormwater Management
Funds for stormwater management are collected in line with the Local Government Amendment (Stormwater) Act 2005. These monies are allocated to enhance stormwater management projects and planning, beyond what is covered by Council’s general funds.
On-site Sewage Management
An annual fee is charged for the operational approval of On-site Sewage Management Systems. This fee covers one inspection and record-keeping. Extra inspections will incur additional charges.