
Upper Hunter  Shire Council operates five water supply schemes for servicing the townships of Scone, Aberdeen, Merriwa, Cassilis and Murrurundi. 

The Lake Glenbawn to Scone water augmentation scheme completed in 2012 ensures the delivery of water from Glenbawn Dam to Scone and feed through to Aberdeen. The project consisted of a pipeline, balance tank, high level reservoir, chlorine plant and pump station construction.  The $14.5 million project was funded, after 10 years of lobbying, by the State Government under the Country Town Water Supply and Sewerage Program in the amount of $5.5 million.

A proposed Water Treatment Plant and Aberdeen back feed should be completed in the future. 

Council also completed another project in 2020, ensuring a sustainable and robust water supply system for Murrurundi through a $14 million pipeline and pumping stations to transfer potable water from Scone to Murrurundi.

The pipeline was funded with $11.5 million Restart NSW funding through the Water Security for Regions program, $1.5 million from the NSW Government Country Towns Water Supply and Sewage Program and $1 million from Upper Hunter Shire Council through borrowed funds.