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Water Fill Stations have been installed at White Street Blandford, Vernon Street Wingen and Skinner Street Parkville. These are intended as residential water collection points.
To use the station you will need to bring either a 25mm garden hose and screw on tap connection or 50mm hose with Camloc hose connector to dispense into your own container. Council does not provide the hoses or container. Payment is via an tap eftpos type machine and will be charged at $2.60 per kilolitre.
The water dispensed is classed as “Rural Water” being water that has been treated at Scone to kill pathogens but it is unlikely to have the residual chlorine to classify as “Potable” under the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. If potable water is required then this is available at the rear of the Mayne Street Murrurundi Oval from a similar dispensing station or truck filling point at Scone Council Depot or Scone Aberdeen Street at the cost of $4.50 per kilolitre.
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